Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ahlan wasahlan ya ramadhan...

dua hari lagi bulan ramadhan akn mnjelang tiba...sedar x sedar da lame blog ini tdak dicorat coretkan olehku...sungguh,x de daya utk jari ni mnari2 kat keyboard ni..tkadang rase nk remove je bnde ni..sungguh, hati mrindukan x dpt diungkapkn oleh kata-kata....kdg2 rase mata ni da ckup bengkak utk dibengkakkan lg dgn bnde2 yg mngarut2...hanya ayat-ayat al-quran yg mnjadi peneman...nk mngadu kat mak,impossible..enough already air mata mak utk aku sblum ni...nk mngadu kat ayah, daddy is willing to take tonight's bus to kelantan to comfort me...sungguh,rase kurang senang dlm hati...rindu pd mak,miss my baby girl kat umah tu....kangan sama semua dirumah....ya allah...adakah aku jauh dari mu Ya Allah???hati ni rase sayu x semena-mena...exam makin mnghmpiri..the upper tank should be empty starting from now...i'm sick of it!!! i don't want to be looked upon as a pathetic people...
this year, kali kedua smbut ramadhan kat kelantan...hopefully diberi kesempatan utk braye dgn family by the end of the months...especially wif my mummy...moga ramadhan ni dpt bg ktenangan yg lebih tenang lg....

Thursday, July 14, 2011


saying it might be a simple thing that can be done in one's life...but, it is all depending on the individual themselves....people cannot simply say that they deserve forgiveness as they have asked for it..but, in this situation, we have to consider on both sides....saye da maafkan sume...but, for me to come back to normal,only time boleh,no time for such childish thing...exam is just around the corner..fb needs to be controlled....stupid things should be put aside..CONCENTRATION is the main, don't ask me why do i look so quite or grumpy...i need to change for the sake of my life..again,no time for such stupid thing...

p/s>arini 1st time naik bas kat kelantan gi KB....sgt pack mcm ikan adventure..x kan ku lupakan....pengalaman mngajar kita lebih dewasa...=)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

sabo je la...

pagi2 td bngun dgn snyuman yg paling comel utk memulakan rutin di hujung minggu...lpas beres mndi n kemas bilik,on lppy...zzzzzzzzzzz....tetibe bunyi short circuit...adaptor lppy x mnyale...otak da kelam kabut....kpale da pkirkan pjalanan jauh ke KB utk mmbli adapter baru....tup2...try on skali!!!!it turns out that the main switch of the extension is not fact, to make things even worst, it has melted maybe due to extreme heat resulting from extreme usage...cuba utk bukak bnde tu dari main plug hmpir stengah jam...nothing happen..kpale plug tu da hncur aku cabut n baraikan...apparently, bnde tu da melt n mlekat kat main plug...the one and only plug available for me in this room..dsebabkan stress mlyn plug yg rosak tu,i take a simple solution...tmbah dgn perut yg tgh lapar...i had my first maggi for the sem...waaaaa!!!!i'm feeling really guilty towards my precious brain!!!i'm so sorry brain....hari ni je aku mkn..pasni aku jnji aku x kan mkn lagi maggi tu..aku akn jage ko bebaik....aku x kan cmarkan ko dgn bhn pengawet kat dlm maggi tu,aku pon on9 smpi 12 baru bukak balik....sememangnya hari ni sgt meletihkan...btw,ape cite phimpunan bersih arini ek??aku nk gi tgok tv,kat aras dua...malas nk turun...itu pon x knfem leh gune ke x...lame da x tgok tv....x pe..papepon,doa je la x de pape yg truk blaku..nk bhimpun,hmpun la bebaik..aman damai ye...peace =)

Monday, July 4, 2011

what is your point???

it's the ending for the new day here in this IPG...nothing much fact,there's nothing to be time goes on, i cannot keep my head from thinking about the most important thing in my life for this year..FINAL EXAM...although it seems so far away,I could not help myself from stop thinking about it...last sem's mock result make me feel terrible...nervous...awful..and many other negative adjective you could possibly come across...i need to improve on a lot of things! writing,speaking,ldes,ES!!! bottomline, I could not have a sweet time whenever I think about it...honestly, thinking about exam makes me feel nausea...automatically, the feeling of homesick will come to my doorway..i need my mum!!!arrrghh!!!!!but it's impossible for that thing to happen...i can just keep on dreaming...hopefully my day will be better thing to be sure,you must keep your head on the line....this is your choice!!!you chose to be here a year ago and yet,you should be brave to face it no matter what happen!! 

p/s:the bye2 mission is on the go...hopefully,by the time for hari raya, I could fulfill the task or else,my mum is going to be really mad at me  I wish to be on the safe side ok!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

episod cemas saat melarikan diri~~~

hari ni sekali lg guru pelatih ipgkkb dikejutkan dgn episod cemas saat2 melarikan diri di pagi hari...bukan ape..kisahnye hanyalah kisah larian 1 msia...itu je...sje je aku ltak tajuk gini...kasi lain ckit der...hari ni aku bjaye mnamatkan larian mcm least x de la ktinggalan mcm mase kat skolag menengah dulu...kire stamina ade la jugak semenjak join PLKN dulu...thanx kpd JLKN yg tlah memilih aku utk join least ade benefit die...okaylah....aku x leh nk celoteh byk....kpale pon sakit nk pecah ni..baru hbis tgok mission impossible 3...lyn muke Tom Cruise yg hensem mlm ni..memg syok,entry kali ni just nk bgtau yg aku bjaye mnamatkan larian aku tnpa ketinggalan kat blakang!!! yeay!!!dismping mmbakar lemak, dpt jugak aku improve kadar metabolisma dlm bdn ni..(kait!!!),kpd yg kat luar tu...jgn la tkut sgt kalo dgr pkataan larian ni..mcm2 yg kite leh wat mngikut tafsiran,jom kite blari!!!