two weeks plus plus to go before i pack my stuff and 'fly' back home....seriously, i'm tired of the same routine of my weekend here in the hostel....waking up in the morning, having my breakfast, taking my improper lunch, watching movies, waiting for my dinner <if i ever encounter with someone who is going out n can kirim that person to buy my lunch> n then get back to sleep...(end of day 1 of my weekend> seriously,i hate this kind of routine....mnyampah!!! i get my head twisted due to overslept during the seriously, I can't bear with the same routine for more than 2 months..what a life...well,i'm not saying that i'm not grateful with what I is just that i hate to do the same thing..i need something new...
well, dalam suka ada duka..dalam bosan ada hppy...the best thing is that, I had secured my ticket nk balik Malacca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes!!! i did it....thanx to Pak din for his patience of waiting for me...i'll be back on 26th of usual,departure at 8 p.m....can't wait for the day....miss my mummy so much....miss my little bro love...everything n every one.... so, cheer up su!!!the day will come...just go on with the flow for a few more is 7th of May,so, you have at least 19 more for now,i got to usual,my routine, doing the laundry....mandi n then continue my work till late at night..
tata for now